ContentStudio - A Powerful MeetEdgar Alternative

MeetEdgar is used to schedule content on social media channels. But digital marketers require a tool that satisfies all their social media management and content marketing needs. ContentStudio is a comprehensive SMM tool and is an ideal MeetEdgar alternative.

With ContentStudio you get to discover, composer, plan, schedule, automate, and analyze social media content. It matches all the features Meetedgart has to offer such as social media posting, scheduling, evergreen content and then some. This is the reason why ContentStudio is the best MeetEdgar alternative opted by individuals, agencies and media houses around the globe.


Social Media Management

Brand Management
Bulk Upload
Network Supported
Multi-channel Publishing Advanced
Automation Recipes Simple Advanced (7 recipes)
Advanced Content Search (Region, language, length etc)
Keywords and Domain Filters
Smart Keyword Suggestions
CTA Automation Campaigns
RSS to Social Media
Auto Scheduling
Editorial Calendar
Audience Targeting
Evergreen Campaigns
Auto Variation


Content Curation
Content Categories
Trending Score
Sentiment Analysis
Viral Content prediction
Content Discovery
Customized Topic Feeds
Content Insights Simple/undetailed Detailed
Cover Stories
Quotes Curation

Other Features

Blog Management
Language Translation


Web-based Application
Android Application
iOS Application


Content Spinners
Chrome Extension

Pricing Comparison

Free Trial 30 Days 14 Days
Monthly Package (Pro Plan) $49/month $49/month
Get Started

No credit card required

Social Media Management

With digital marketers having to manage several social media accounts for multiple clients, it is difficult to keep track of each account’s content and progress. ContentStudio helps marketers such that it provides individual workspaces for each brand. You can group all social accounts of a brand under one roof to better manage each one.

Content Categories

Content Categories

Categorization keeps your content organized and make it easy for you to schedule the right type of content at the right time, without having to schedule each post by hand. You can segregate inhouse content into product updates, tutorials, how-to videos, etc.

Multiple workspaces

Adding the same accounts to different workspaces

You can assign different roles to team members and assign the same account to their respective workspaces to keep operations segregated

Content Scheduling

Topics management and Content Scheduling

The topics you create to populate your daily feed are unique to each workspace. This allows for instantaneous content curation for a group of accounts without the inconvenience of searching content for each individual account.


Planner (Posts Scheduled)

Each workspace has its own planner. You can use the planner to visualize the planned activity for a particular brand.

Social Accounts

Social and Blog Accounts

Your social and Blog accounts are discrete to the workspace you are working in; until or unless otherwise specified. This means that a social account can be visible to two different workspaces depending upon permissions.

Team Members

Team Members and Clients

Assign specific roles to team members such as admin or editor and add them to appropriate workspaces and projects as you see fit.


Social media managers need to be at the top of their game when it comes to efficiently create, publish, distribute and analyze content. Managing content for 3-4 channels per brand can be a hassle. With ContentStudio, you can take clear and concise actions to make sure each account is populated with relevant content.

AI Filter

Intelligent Filters

View planned content for an individual social account by applying handy filters in the planner module.

List vs calendar view

List VS Calendar View

Get a birds-eye view of all planned content by switching between list and calendar view

Content Filter

Filter Content by type

Segregate planned content on the basis of its nature i.e. images, videos, gifs, quotes, etc

Team Activity

View Team Activity

Evaluate the overall performance of your social media management team by viewing each team member's contribution.

Filter by Labels

Filter by labels

Create smart labels and assign them to posts depending upon their nature e.g. music, sports, education, cars, etc. you can then filter them out to see which genre has performed better.

Filter by status

Filter by status

Filter content w.r.t its publishing status e.g. if it is published successfully, pending or rejected.

Social Media Automation and Scheduling

Social Media Automation, Scheduling, and Publishing

ContentStudio’s automation module converts your social media management overhead into successful campaigns on autopilot. You have the option to select from seven different social media automation recipes that are designed to automate social media posting. These help you push relevant and trending content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Multi-Channel Publishing

In many aspects, ContentStudio is the perfect MeetEdgar alternative. One of which is its ability to publish content on nearly all social media and content distribution channels.

ContentStudio not only helps you create engaging content but also publish and distribute it effectively. With a wide variety of channel integrations, you can publish content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, WordPress, Tumblr, and Medium.

Multi channel publishing
Content Discovery and management

Content Discovery and Management

A great difficulty for digital marketers around the world is finding content ideas that are trending. ContentStudio’s flagship ship module Content Discovery aids you to monitor content by keywords, topics or sources of your interest. You can then curate content that resonates with your audience and drives engagement on all of your channels.

With an intelligent query builder, you can create a highly customized topic feed that is absent in MeetEdgar and many other social media management tools for that matter. You can search for content w.r.t keywords, domains, hashtags, and authors. This will save you precious time in finding trending content for your niche.

In-depth Social Media Analytics and Reporting

As a top MeetEdgar alternative, ContentStudio offers meaningful insights and data-driven social media analytics for informed decision making. You can now measure social media KIPs that are critical for your business's growth.

  • Measure reach, total engagement, audience growth, top-performing posts, and many more statistics
  • View highly accurate and digestible data crunched into eye-catching graphs
  • Get detailed reports for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest accounts
  • Not only this, ContentStudio lets you create automated and branded reports to share with your clients. Having branded logos and themed colors gives a personalized touch while sharing social media performance.
Social Media Reporting
Cover stories and Quotes

Cover stories and Quotes

ContentStudio is loaded with amazing features that help marketers perform daily tasks with ease. One of these features is Cover Stories from your favorite topics. This section contains 5 top trending news from each of your custom topics. This provides instant access to viral content to be distributed on your social and blog channels.

Another unique feature is the availability of relevant quotations. Let your audience feast of all types of content especially motivational quotes. You create and automation campaign which posts fresh quotes first thing in the morning with your fans.

With improved social media management recipes, a solid content discovery module, and an influencer section for maximum outreach, ContentStudio is the ideal Meetedgar alternative

Influencer Marketing

ContentStudio empowers you to discover, outreach, and collaborate with influencers in your industry to skyrocket your brand’s image. Search for influencer w.r.t keywords and topics and shortlist the ones with the perfect combination of followers and engagement. Identify content amplifiers in your industry, increase your brand’s impact, and save precious time.

Influencer Marketing

More than 70,000+ professionals already trust ContentStudio for their social media management and content marketing needs.